Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Basil, the Ghost Cat

Sometime in the 1960s, Napier Prison welcomed in a man named Basil who was incarcerated on charges of fraud. Basil was a cat lover, and apparently had an obscene amount of them at home. If there was ever a stray cat hanging around the prison, he would always make sure it was fed properly and shown a little bit of affection. Sadly, Basil passed away in his cell during his sentence from natural causes. Two weeks after he died, a little kitten showed up.

The kitten was mostly white, but had strange markings on it's face: one side of it's mouth had a thin patch of black fur, while the other side had a patch of ginger fur. Now, Basil the prisoner was in a house fire when he was younger, so his face was scarred on one side with healed burns, while the other side featured his black moustache. This was too much of a coincidence for the inmates, who were sure the cat was a reincarnation of Basil.

That was over 50 years ago. Today, we have a prison cat named Marjorie, although everyone calls her Basil. She is the fourth cat to hang around the prison since Basil died, and she still has the markings around her face that seem so similar to the mans. When the complex closed as a functional prison and the owners moved in, they tried to get rid of the cat since they have a yappy little Chihuahua. The cat just kept coming back. Still, no one has seen her leave the prison even though it would be very easy for her to get out. She just sits in the hanging yard, staring at the gallows and runs away when you try to pet her.

Of course, compared to the other paranormal stories we have here at the prison, our ghost cat seems quite tame.

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