Saturday, March 10, 2012

Alive in Nelson

Not having a lot of money usually leads me to avoid places that tempt my wallet.  This makes spending my afternoons at the B & B attractive, or going for walks in the woods, or generally avoiding downtown shops.  Usually when I do go to town it's to go out to the grocery store and back again. But today is Saturday, which means the Market is on, and I just can't resist those cheap, perfectly ripe, organic fruits and veggies, not to mention drooling over beautiful handmade clothing I cannot afford (and don't have room for).

Anyways, after my shift, I walked over to the market. Compared to the quiet street the house is on, downtown Nelson was full of people, and the energy was flowing. The sun was shining bright, there were musicians playing in the street, and people were eating and drinking out on patios everywhere.  The market square was packed, and at times it was difficult to maneuver around everyone.  I felt recharged by going into town, and as I thought about what made the afternoon so special, I realized that it was a feeling of community that I often find lacking in Edmonton.  Markets always inspire me to try harder to DIY, whether that be a recipe, jewelry, or clothing.  This one was no exception.  The musicians made me want to pick up and learn an instrument.  And the amount of people strolling around made me reluctant to go back to the house and drop off my purchases.  Maybe you can find this intimacy in some of the tighter knit communities of Edmonton, but I never do.  In Nelson the sense of community is everywhere, and I wish I could take this feeling home and help it blossom. 

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