Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Technology is Weird

Before I came to New Zealand, I bought myself the best present I could ask for: an unlocked smart phone.  I have never travelled with a phone before, and as much as I like being a free agent while I travel, the phone was necessary for connecting with potential employers.  Turns out it has also been the perfect way to connect with home.  I can text, call, skype, email, facebook, etc. all for free (or really really cheap).  

But I didn't really notice how dependent I had become on my phone until my friend Cayley went to Madagascar for a month over Christmas.  When she was in Edmonton, we texted every day.  Without her phone, I was suddenly lost as to who to share my pointless thoughts with.  Luckily, she came back and things went back to normal.

I am feeling a bit lost again this week.  My parents have gone to Cuba for spring break, and despite the fact that they are physically closer to me, I am completely cut off from talking to them.  I don't have anything to say, but I am aware that they are not just a phone call away.  Imagine what it would be like to travel before the internet. *shudder*

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