Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Canadian/American Relations

The offer of free accommodation at the prison attracts backpackers from all around the world. Apparently, there always seems to be a majority nationality that dominates, although this shifts as people come and go. Before I came, apparently there were a lot of Germans working here. Now, we have Welsh, English, Scottish, French, Dutch and Canadian, but the majority status goes to Americans. This creates fun, playful jokes between us as we bug eachother about stereotypes from North America. I was playing Taboo with Kat, Destiny, and Anabel who come from Alabama and Arizona. If you don't know, Taboo is a game where you have to get your teammate to guess a word by describing it. The trick is, you can't use the 'taboo' words that are listed on the card. My mind locked up when I had to make Destiny guess "Palm Tree" without saying Florida or beach, and even though I was playing with Americans, my first hint was "Canada doesn't have any".

Quick as a whip, Destiny responded, "Happiness?"

Clever girl.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We have tonnes of palm trees in Vancouver...


  3. hey! I just happened upon your blog, while searching for pics of "basil the ghost cat"

    I was a Napier prison inmate back in 2009, and I'm american, my fellow cellmates were Canadian. While playing the very same came of taboo, on of my cellmates had me guess what the "boot country" was. I, misunderstanding, and taking her accent for granted, stated "Canada" assuming she had meant "a-boot" (About) country. when in reality should was trying to make me guess Italy. funny how history sorta repeats itself :)

    ..in case you were wondering. I was googling "basil the ghost cat" because my next blog post (coming out next week) will be about Napier!
