Friday, January 6, 2012

Goodbye Death Row, Hello Conjugal Unit

When Will left the prison for bigger adventures, he left the Conjugal Unit open for grabs. It's not actually the conjugal unit though, back when it was a backpackers, the owners let the backpackers label the units with things like conjugal, parole board, penthouse, and psych ward. The original prison had exciting names like Cells 1 through 26. Units are the best cells in the prison, because they're big, have two beds, and have their own sinks and toilets.

Rachel was up for a swap, but didn't want to sleep on her own in the scary, haunted prison. I was getting a little bit tired of the uncomfortable bed in Cell 16, and because it was so close to the kitchen, it was noisy and made it hard to sleep. One quick test of the bed in Conjugal and I was sold. The hilarity of the conjugal bed being the best in the prison is not lost on me.

As a final tribute to my time on death row, I will now showcase just how tiny it was.

Need I remind you I'm only 5 foot 2 (and three quarters)?

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