Monday, February 27, 2012

Singing Our Multicultural Hearts Out

As annoying as the Disney corporation can be, I still grew up watching all the films and memorizing all the songs like all the other kids in my class.  I have quite a few memories of breaking into rousing renditions of Disney songs over the years while hanging out with friends – everyone always joins in, even if just for the chorus. The other day I was walking home with my co-workers Marie-Louise and Pinja when Pinja started humming a song from Beauty and the Beast. I recognized it immediately and started singing along.  She joined me, but after a second I realized she was singing in Finnish and was harmonizing with me in a different language. It didn't take Marie-Louise long to join in, showing off her Swiss mult-lingual skills by singing songs in both German and Italian. Oh Disney, who knew you'd provide such a cultural experience.

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