Friday, February 24, 2012

Warwick House

As luxurious as the swimming pool at Paradiso was, the busy nature of the backpackers really was not something that attracted me longterm. It wasn't going well on the job front, so in a rather depressed, desperate state, I scrolled through the Backpacker Board website to see if anyone was hiring a backpacker to work for accomodation. There was an unnamed “Historic B & B” looking for a house keeper, so I gave the number a ring and spoke to Jenny. She didn't need anyone for right now, but since I was already in Nelson, she told me to come in for an interview the next day.  She gave me an address and the name - Warwick House, and told me to look it up online before I came.

The house is one of the oldest in Nelson – it was built in 1854, and received numerous renovations and add-ons throughout its time.  In 1941 it was turned into apartments, and stayed that way until 2003 when the owners (Jenny and Nick) purchased and renovated it into a bed and breakfast. I don't think I can describe this place with any justice, so you should check out the website.  When I got there I immediately called it a mansion, but in it's glory days before some wings were torn or burnt down it was known as 'the castle'.  Living in a castle? Even better.  Jenny said she liked me, but wouldn't need any extra help until the second week of March. I thought I could find something to do until then, and left the interview feeling good.  Later that afternoon she texted me saying one of her workers decided to leave early, could I start a week earlier? Yes! To make things even more sweet, a few days later she texted back and said they had a free room and did I want to move in tomorrow? Win!

After running around trying to impress people enough to hire me, the simple, no BS interview/acceptance of this job was really refreshing. So here I am! For right now, I get my own room, free breakfast, use of a bike, and the chance to tell people I live in a castle. I might even be able to borrow a vehicle.  My job will mainly be servicing the rooms, although apparently I will also be painting, gardening, and whatever other odd jobs may pop up. Feeling good about this.

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